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Why You Need Professional Guidance On Your Immigration Matters?

19 July 2021

3 minute read

Why you need professional guidance on your immigration matters?

A.    Immigration Matters

Immigration matters in Kenya are governed by the Kenya Citizenship and Immigrations Act 2011 and Regulations made thereunder. Issuance of the relevant Immigration documents is undertaken by the Immigration Department of Kenya.

Kindly note the governing law is the Constitution as well as the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act and the regulations made thereunder.

For documents, we are dealing with Kenyan citizenship applications, Permanent Residences, permits, passes and visas.

B.    Why should you seek professional guidance?

               a)    Cost and time

Immigration issues are in most cases time sensitive. With the thorough requirements and processes required to juggle through to obtain the relevant permit, there is need to enlist an expert to help with the process as improper filings can lead to delays, denials or even deportation from Kenya.

Immigration matters may not be as straightforward as it seems and many situations involve hidden circumstances that, if left unaddressed, can unfavorably affect an applicant’s case and immigration status.

In order to save on time and costs it is highly recommendable and a necessary precautionary measure to seek professional guidance on immigration matters to avoid being misinformed on some key aspects and procedures involved in obtaining the relevant immigration documents which misinformation may cost you time and money. Vague information/details in relation to your application can render your application to be deferred or declined by the Director of Immigration Services.

b)    Eligibility Requirements

Determining whether you are qualified for a particular immigration status requires in-depth knowledge of current immigration laws, procedures and practices. There are different eligibility criteria applicable to different cases.

Further, assembling the relevant supporting documentation and getting the right contents for the supporting documentation requires a high degree of expertise which can only be provided by a professional.

Yes! the internet and the Immigration Department’s online portal may provide information with respect to the eligibility criteria but this alone is not sufficient as it may not provide individualized information about the legal options and eligibility. Therefore, relying on the internet alone is not advisable.

c)    Avoiding the Risk of Deportation

A professional will always guide you appropriately on the way forward even where one lacks sufficient supporting documents in relation to a specific immigration application rather than engaging unqualified personnel/Agent who might end up obtaining the supporting documents by fraudulent means which will ultimately render your immigration documents to be revoked and an order of deportation will be issued against you. Such cases have been very prevalent and they are usually treated as Criminal offences by the Directorate of Immigration Services.

C.    How we can help with your Immigration Matters?

CM Advocates LLP has a team that is well versed with Immigration Laws, processes and practices both in Kenya and Eastern Africa. Our highly qualified and experienced personnel offer client centric guidance which helps to ensure the success of your case by analyzing the facts, determining your eligibility, explaining possible benefits, and identifying all available legal avenues at a reasonable cost.

CM Advocates’ Immigration Advisory team represents businesses, organizations, and individuals from around the world on a wide range of immigration matters and visa needs. We work with our clients to address the visa and work authorization needs of Kenya and regional personnel, including professionals, managers and executives and essential workers.

We assist foreign investors looking to invest and carry-on business in Kenya to get investors permits as well as dependent and student passes for their family ‘members. We also regularly assist foreigners and expatriate employees who intend to settle or retire in Kenya get retirement permits or permanent residence permits.

Our team offers specialized, quick and seamless immigration services including but not limited to:

a.     application of business visas, and multiple entry visa;
b.     all Pending applications that are yet to be processed by Immigration;
c.  processing of work permits and passes for investors, missionaries, expatriate employees and other foreigners wishing to work in Kenya on a long- term or short- term basis;
d.   Advisory on Mining and natural resources law to Investors who wish to engage in the Mining sector (Under Category Class A Work Permit);
e.  Advisory and Guidance on Land Buying procedures/Requirements for Investors in Agricultural and Animal Husbandry sector (Under Class B permits);
f.     processing of permanent residency applications;
g.    processing of dependents as well as pupil/student passes;
h.    application for asylum in Kenya;
i.     application for dual citizenship;
j.     application for Kenyan citizenship;
k.    general immigration law advisory;
l.    tax advisory services for both investors and professionals;
m.  obtaining the Clearance/letters from relevant Kenya bodies/Authorities for immigration applications;
n.    processing of Immigration Security Bonds;
o.    immigration prosecution and investigation cases; and
p. appealing to the Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Service Appeals Tribunal on Declined Work Permit applications, Permanent Residence, Citizenship or any other application.

We are happy to be part of your success story get in touch with us for any clarifications and assistance on any of your Immigration matter via +254716209673 or on email via

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