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Processing Of Tax Waiver Applications

21 August 2020

1 minute read

Processing of Tax Waiver Applications
In the wake of increased cases of the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19), we hope you are well.​ This is to inform you that the government has announced that it is processing tax waiver applications. Through a Public Notice, the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) informs that it has finalised the roll out of the iTax system enhancements for processing of the waiver applications and has embarked on clearing its backlog.This is in accordance to the Tax Procedures Act, 2015, under Section 89(7), which provides that a taxpayer may apply for waiver of penalty or interest where they meet the conditions specified therein. This means that the application must be properly justified and supporting evidence provided.The process will be completed on the iTax system, and the KRA shall be contacting each applicant through email or SMS contact information provided on their iTax profile. Applicants will be required to submit supporting evidence for each application within a period of 30 days from the date specified when contacted by the KRA, failure to which the application shall be rejected and the penalty and interest thereof  demanded for payment.We remind you to keep taking safety precautionary measures as advised by the government.​ ​ On any tax related advisory you may require, please feel free to contact our Tax Advisory Business Unit through Ms. Joyce Wamai Wambua via 0723400523 or on email via

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